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Mission Statement

Days For Girls is an international organization founded in 2008 by Celeste Mergens that works to provide reusable & sustainable menstrual products to women and girls all over the globe while educating them to decrease the stigma and shame surrounding menstruation. 

Menstrual equity everywhere. Period.

Welcome to Days for Girls at UCLA

Weekly Meetings
Thursdays 6pm
Royce 148


Meet the Board Members


Year: third, environmental science & film minor

Ask me about: Why Jordan Peele’s Us is better than Get Out, Bruin Dine, idolization of male athletes, why the idea of cauliflower is problematic


"Like most of my fellow board members, before discovering Days for Girls I had never considered that women in other parts of the world don’t have access to quality menstrual products, largely due to the huge stigma and shame attached to menstruation. Since joining, I have been honored to do my little part in eliminating menstrual equity through service and education."


Year: fourth, MIMG
Ask me about: Utah influencer Indy Blue, the hype behind Crocs and Socks, the best way to clean your Hydroflask
"Being part of DfG has been a big part of my college experience. I have loved the community the club has become, a group of passionate individuals that love to serve & love to spend time together and occasionally go out to eat together <3 If you are looking for a fun service opportunity and/or an amazing group of friends that are passionate about periods/access to products."


Year: Third, MIMG major, Gender Studies minor 

Ask me about: the correct way to say water, why Docs are snowshoes, the 5SOS Fam/Directioner to KPOP Stan pipeline


"I joined DfG in my freshman year after meeting Zoe and Stephanie at the EAF. I was inspired to join their cause for menstrual equity & ways to destigmatize menstruation. I particularly admire how our chapter here at UCLA are working to degender and decolonize menstruation. I love the family and community we’ve built at our club and can’t wait to continue building these relationships with everyone!"


Year: fourth, Psychobio + Spanish minor

Ask me about: being a tooth fairy, how i watched 900+ ep. of a single anime, my terrible memory, switching hobbies


"The way I got to join DfG is amazing to me because I ran into one of the cofounders during its initiation stages & she happened to be the older sister of an old friend from high school. I have been extremely passionate for women empowerment & this club has taught me so much more about that. I am so glad to be part of this club with great people who push for changing menstrual stigma and accessibility of menstrual products. <33"


Year: Third, Poli Sci

Ask me about: favorite podcasts, the early 2000s, greek mythology, current events


"Days for Girls has provided me with a rude awakening that shed light upon the plight of young girls throughout the globe that lack access to menstrual products. This lack of access to such basic necessities contributes to an inequitable"


Year: Third, psychology major & philosophy minor 

Ask me about: why Harry styles will always be the best one direction member & a king overall 

Interests: reading, yoga, anything outdoorsy


"Days for Girls has always been a club that I was interested in and passionate about ever since I saw it at the activities fair. It is completely unacceptable for so many individuals that menstruate all over the world to not have access to basic needs because they are too costly. I really think that we are making a difference in so many people’s lives while also being sustainable & destigmatizing menstruation."

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